Do You Have a “Normal House”? Here’s Why That’s OK

I don’t know about you, but I often wonder how everyone on my For You page happens to live in a pristine, beautifully decorated home with all the modern bells and whistles to boot. It’s an endless sea of marble countertops, organized pantries, and walk-in showers without an errant dish or clothing item in sight. These perfectly polished homes may seem like the standard when scrolling social media, but the “normal house” trend taking over TikTok recently has begun to push back on that notion. And if I’m being honest, I am totally here for it. Ahead, I lay out what it means to have a “normal house,” why this trend is so necessary right now, and how you can appreciate your own space more.

What does it mean to have a “normal house”?

TikTok’s “normal house” trend is exactly what it sounds like. In a sea of influencers and celebs sharing homes that look straight out of an Architectural Digest spread, everyday people are sharing glimpses into their “normal” houses. Think: kitchens with dishes in the sink and clutter on the counters, scuffed floors and walls, beds piled with laundry yet to be put away, outdated bathrooms, and so forth.

To be clear, this trend is not meant to shame anyone who lives in an ultra-organized space with modern fixtures and carefully chosen decor. Rather, the goal is to normalize the fact that most people don’t live in the immaculate, perfectly decorated homes most influencers boast on social media.

“There are times when you don’t have it in you to do the dishes or put away the laundry. And guess what? That’s OK. Life is imperfect and messy, and normal homes are, too.”

Why the “normal house” trend is so necessary

While we all know social media isn’t necessarily a reflection of reality, it still comes with the pressure to present a perfect snapshot of your life. Therefore, showcasing anything less than pristine—like a cluttered room or messy kitchen—feels unacceptable. The problem with this is that it shames people for not living up to social media’s accepted design standards. Wouldn’t we all like to live in our dream home where nothing was ever out of place, but the reality is that’s not feasible. There are times when you don’t have it in you to do the dishes or put away the laundry. And guess what? That’s OK. Life is imperfect and messy, and normal homes are, too.

Perhaps even more importantly, upgrading your home is costly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with opting to put your money towards bills and groceries rather than into a bathroom renovation or high-end furniture. You don’t have to constantly pour money into your home so it looks good on the internet if your priorities lie elsewhere.

normal house tiktok trend
Source: @ashleyhosmer

How to appreciate your own “normal home” more

The days of feeling like you have to shun your space from social media or be ashamed of it are over. Now’s the time to start appreciating your own “normal home” for the beauty it truly is. Here’s how:

1. Recognize that vibes matter more than aesthetic

When guests come over, the thing they’ll remember most about your home typically isn’t the decor or layout. They’ll remember how it made them feel. A space that’s warm and inviting will make someone feel welcome and inspired to visit again, regardless of design aesthetic. So, focus on bringing good vibes to your home if you haven’t already. Using warm lighting, scented candles, and throw pillows and blankets are some of the easiest ways to create a cozy atmosphere.

2. Put your focus and energy into the rooms that really matter

It’s natural to want your whole home to feel organized and upgraded, but a complete home makeover is time-consuming and costly. You’re better off putting your energy into sprucing up the rooms that matter most to you. If the living room is your most-used space and direly needs a refresh, focus your time and budget there and live with the kitchen or bathroom as it is for a while longer. Also, keep in mind that changes don’t need to happen overnight. Take your time with it, and only make changes when and if it’s necessary for you. Sometimes, giving the walls a fresh coat of paint or new wallpaper is all you need.

normal house tiktok trend
Source: @prettyrealblog

3. Decorate with personal touches

Trying to decorate your space can feel frustrating when you have financial or square footage restrictions, but the secret lies in adding small personal touches. This might mean framing cherished photos as wall art, displaying your jewelry on your bedroom dresser, or buying new bath towels in your favorite color. It’s all about decorating with what you love, and don’t be afraid to blend styles. You might have an outdated bathroom, but that doesn’t mean you can’t contrast it with a sleek new bath mat (I recently did this and can confirm it does wonders). Adding in these personal touches will make your space feel like it’s inherently yours, and you’ll be proud of that fact.

4. Keep clutter together

This might sound like the antithesis of organization, but it’s a trick that works. For example, if your coffee table is overrun with remotes, books, and other miscellaneous items, corral everything in a tray or basket. Likewise, if your skincare products are overflowing on the bathroom countertop, group them together in a container under the bathroom sink. These are just two examples, but limiting clutter to certain areas will naturally make your space look more organized.

5. Infuse your house with life

Houses are not showrooms—they’re meant to be lived in. So, infuse your space with life as much as possible, and don’t worry about things getting messy. Invite your family and friends over for dinner or a game night, let people eat and drink on your couch and chairs, and don’t apologize for your clutter or mess. Making memories and filling your space with life will make you appreciate it that much more.

arianna reardon


Arianna Reardon, Contributing Writer

Arianna is a Rhode Island native, professional blogger, and freelance writer. She’s passionate about helping women develop healthy relationships with money, become financially independent, and invest in themselves for the future. Arianna is a firm believer in going after what you want, taking time to stop and smell the roses, and the importance of a good cocktail.

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