Barrie Miskin on Plumbing Dark Places

Welcome to I’m a Writer But, where writers discuss their work, their lives, their other work, the stuff that takes up any free time they have, all the stuff they’re not able to get to, and the ways in which any of us get anything done. Plus: book recommendations, bad jokes, okay jokes, despair, joy, and anything else going on that week. Hosted by Lindsay Hunter.    

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In this episode, Barrie Miskin discusses her debut memoir, Hell Gate Bridge, motherhood, depression, how the book began as a form as therapy, writing a fast draft, working with Sarah Perry and Elizabeth Ellen, literary talismans, plumbing dark places as she wrote, hiring a publicist, and more!



Barrie Miskin is the author of Hell Gate Bridge, out now from Woodhall Press. Barrie’s writing has appeared in Hobart, Narratively, Expat Press, and elsewhere. Her interviews can be found in Write or Die Magazine, where she is a staff writer. Barrie is also a public school teacher in Queens, New York, where she lives with her husband and daughter.

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