According to Experts, You Can Majorly Improve Irregular Cycles, PMS, and Hormonal Imbalances By Doing *This*

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When I went off hormonal birth control after taking it for years, my system felt entirely out of whack. I broke out horribly, my sleep wasn’t great, and I felt pretty fatigued throughout the day. As an herbal enthusiast, I knew there had to be solutions out there that could get me back on the right track. After doing a bit of research, I found a few key plant-powered formulas that worked wonders for all of the above.

I don’t like to gatekeep so I had to share what worked for me. I also asked a few experts for their advice to anyone with a cycle (at any stage of life) who might be dealing with the same issues. While herbal supplements, formulas, and tinctures are great supplemental tools, I also want to note that you should always talk to your doctor first before starting any kind of supplement. This is especially true if you’re on medication as some herbs can interfere with it. That being said, if you’ve been given the okay by your physician, here’s a full run-down on helpful formulas for women—keep scrolling.

The Best Herbs for Women’s Health

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